What Does a Responsive Website Mean?

1. What is responsive web design? Responsive web design is a technique that allows a website to alter its layout according to the device that it is being viewed on. For example, if a website is being viewed on a mobile device, the layout of the website will be altered in such a way that all of the text on the website is easier to read and navigate on a smaller screen. If the website is being viewed on a desktop computer, the layout of the website will be altered in a way to accommodate the large screen of a desktop computer. A small, yet very important, difference in some websites is the inclusion of a drop-down carousel at the top of the webpage. For instance, at the top of many web pages are some form of a search bar, icons for social media sharing or email sharing, and possibly some other navigation items such as a short blog post, contact us form, and a subscribe to the mailing list. Drop-down carousels in the form of search icons and social sharing icons make it easier for the use...